
    Discussion on Application of Surface Energy in Evaluation of Coal Adsorption

    • 摘要: 煤表面能是反映煤表面特性的重要热力学参数。常用的煤表面能求取方法是吸附法。对比前人研究成果,发现用该方法计算的表面能在描述煤吸附性时存在矛盾的结论。原因总结:用基于吸附实验的表面能计算结果来描述煤吸附性在逻辑上存在循环论证问题。认为用吸附法计算的表面能不可以用来反映煤的吸附性。为了避免循环论证问题,可以尝试用其它实验实测表面能,但实现难度大,可操作性不强。所以用表面能来解释煤对甲烷的吸附特征的意义不大。引入量子化学等学科,深入研究微观煤大分子结构与甲烷分子的相互作用,才是探索煤吸附甲烷本质的必经途径。


      Abstract: Surface energy is one of the important thermodynamic parameters reflecting the surface characteristics of coal. Adsorption method is commonly used to calculate the coal surface energy. Contradictory conclusions exist in describing coal adsorption with surface energy calculated by this method according to previous research results. There exists a circular reasoning problem logically in describing coal adsorption with surface energy calculation results based on adsorption experiments. Therefore, this method should not be used to reflect the adsorption of coal. Circular reasoning problem must be avoided to explain coal adsorption mechanism with surface energy. Other actually experimental measurement could be tried, but it is difficult to implement. There is no significance in explaining adsorption characteristics of coal to methane with surface energy. Bring into disciplines such as quantum chemistry and studying the interaction between microscopic coal macromolecular structure and methane molecular in depth are essential to explore the nature of coal methane adsorption.


