
    Preliminary Study on PM2.5 Standard for Dust Control in Underground Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 粒径小于2.5 μm的粉尘颗粒(即PM2.5)是造成粉尘危害的主要元凶,与大气PM2.5相比,煤矿井下PM2.5对人体健康的危害更大。为了更好地治理煤矿井下粉尘,有效减少尘肺病、矽肺病的发生,营造一个相对良好的工作环境,急需在煤矿井下增设更加严格的粉尘防治标准。通过分析煤矿井下微细粉尘的分布及近年尘肺病新发病例数的增长情况,系统论述了将粉尘治理的PM2.5标准引入煤矿井下的必要性,理论和技术上的可行性。探讨了煤矿常用粉尘治理方法对于PM2.5防治的不足及未来的研究方向。


      Abstract: Dust particles whose particle sizes are less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) are prime culprits for the dust hazard.The PM2.5 in coal mine are more harmful to human body than those in atmosphere. Thus, the establishment of stricter standard for dust prevention in coal mine is urgently needed, to better control the dust hazard of coal mine, to effectively reduce the occurrence of pneumoconiosis, silicosis, we build a relatively comfortable working environment in coal mine. The distribution of fine dust and the new growth of pneumoconiosis in recent years were analyzed. Meanwhile, the necessities, the theoretical and technical feasibility of the PM2.5 standard were investigated to introduce underground coal mine for dust control. The shortage of common methods for PM2.5 dust control and further research directions were also discussed.


