
    3D Mine Emergency Rescue Command and Decision-making System for Kailuan Group

    • 摘要: 基于物联网的数字矿山建设将原本孤立的矿山安全和自动化系统整合到一个集成的平台上,彻底解决矿井各信息化子系统的“信息孤岛”问题,实现真正意义上的井下环境及人员监控、语音、视频、自动化控制等的多网合一。在煤矿事故发生时,借助此系统可以对各类信息的统一管理、共享和分析,提供决策信息和解决方案,并自动反馈给相应的系统和设备,为矿山安全保驾护航。


      Abstract: The digital mine construction based on the internet of things integrates originally isolated mine safety and automation system into a platform, completely solves the mine information subsystem of "information isolated island" problem, and realizes the combination of the underground environment, personnel monitoring, voice, video and automatic control. In the coal mine accident, this system can carry out information management, sharing and analysis, and provide the decision information and solution, and automatically feed back to the system and relevant equipments for mine safety.


