
    Influence of Coal Adsorption Constants on Accurate Evaluation of Gas Drainage Effect

    • 摘要: 残存瓦斯含量值直接影响到瓦斯含量的大小,用公式计算残存瓦斯含量时,同一矿井不同的取样点测定的ab值差别较大,且无规律可寻。不同的ab值计算出的瓦斯含量又有较大差别。在对吸附常数、灰分、水分、孔隙率对残存瓦斯含量影响分析的基础上,建议通过对ab值实测统计分析确定一个需要实测的标准,既减少测定数量又保证抽采效果评判的准确性。


      Abstract: The residual gas content values can directly affect the size of the gas content. When the residual gas content is calculated by the formula, for the different sampling points in the same mine, the measured a,b values have large differences, and no laws can be found. The gas content calculated by different a,b values have larger differences. On the basis of the effect analysis of adsorption constants, ash, moisture, porosity for the residual gas content, it is recommended that the measured statistical analysis of a,b values are used to determine a standard required, which cannot only reduce the measured number, but also ensures the accurate evaluation of gas extraction effect.


