
    Wireless Monitoring System Design for Underground Rescue Robot Based on WIFI

    • 摘要: 设计了井下救援机器人无线监测系统。系统采用2.4 GHz的无线高频电波,利用无线网桥进行桥接,在井下和地面之间建立了一条无线通信链路,使得集成视频监控、远程遥控、数据采集功能于一体的救援机器人能够及时、准确地将灾害现场的环境信息传送给上位机。探究了无线通信信道在煤矿井下的传输特性,并利用MATLAB/Simulink对其进行了仿真分析。


      Abstract: We design the wireless monitoring system of undergound rescue robot. The system adopts 2.4 GHz wireless high frequency radio connects with wireless network bridge, which builds wireless communication path between coal mine and ground. Through the path, the rescue robot can transmit the disaster information including video surveillance and remote control and data acquisition to PC in time. Simulation anlysis by MATLAB/Simulink of propagation characteristic of wireless communication channel in coal mine are also given to promote the performance of the system.


