
    Rationality and Capability Checking of Foldback Shaft Station Design in Xinghua Mine Shaft

    • 摘要: 折返梭式井底车场,鸡西分公司从未应用在大中型矿井中。杏花煤矿原设计生产能力120万t/a,现二水平即将投产,设计生产能力为180万t/a,生产能力提高幅度较大。需要重新论证和验算其合理性和生产运输能力,证明此型车场与矿井生产能力相适应。


      Abstract: The shuttle reentry shaft station has never been applied in large and middle scale mines for Jixi Branch. The original design production capacity is 1.2 million t/a in Xinghua Coal Mine. Now the two levels will go into production, the design production capacity is 1.8 million t/a, the production capacity is improved remarkably. In order to prove that this kind of shaft station is suitable for mine production capacity, it is necessary to demonstrate and check their rationality and production transportation capacity.


