
    Application of Transient Electromagnetic Method in Detecting Water Yield Property of Roof

    • 摘要: 白家庄煤矿为了掌握36810工作面顶板富水性情况,防止矿井水害的发生,采用矿井瞬变电磁法对36810工作面顶板进行了富水性探测,结合水文地质资料对其探测结果的分析:发现工作面运输巷和轨道巷顶板100 m内有强富水体发育,切眼处顶板基本无异常。


      Abstract: In order to master water yield property condition of 36810 working face and prevent the occurrence of mine flood,Baijiazhuang coal mine used transient electromagnetic method to detect water yield property of 36810 working face roof.Through combining material of hydrography to analyze and study the detection results,it find that face convey gateway and rail roadway's roof has developed strong rich water development within 100 m and cutting hole's roof is normal.


