
    A Re-treatment Measure on Failing Hole Sealing of Gas Drill Hole

    • 摘要: 针对九里山矿抽采系统中部分抽采钻孔由于封孔失效而造成抽采浓度低,抽采效果差的问题,在原抽放管内二次封孔方法(统称孔内封孔法)的基础之上,提出了"破孔、透孔、分段封孔"三步走的破孔二次封孔方法(统称破孔封孔法),并进行了现场试验,通过与孔内封孔法相对比,表明破孔封孔法的平均抽采浓度是孔内封孔法的2.52倍。


      Abstract: Aimed at the problem of useless hole sealing which caused low drainage consistence and low efficiency,in gas suction system of Jiulishan coal,on the base of original second hole sealing measures(inside sealing method),a three steps re-treatment measure(broken hole sealing method)was put forward which is "destroy hole、drill hole、subsection sealing ".Through the experiment of drainage hole in 14121 transport tunnel of Jiulishan coal,and compared with the inside sealing method measure,a result was proved that this method dealing with average drainage consistence is 2.52 times to the inside sealing method.


