
    Optimized Analysis for Optimal Path of Surface Gas Drainage Hole

    • 摘要: 为了有效地抽排采空区瓦斯,有部分矿区采用了地面布设钻孔抽排的方法。为了提高抽采效率并确保钻孔在开采过程中不受岩层移动的破坏,必须对布孔方案进行优化。从开采沉陷的角度分析了开采覆岩的破坏和岩体移动变形的分布,提出了地面瓦斯抽排孔的最佳终孔区域和最佳路径。某矿地面抽排孔实测数据说明了优化方案的合理性。


      Abstract: In order to drain gas in goaf effectively, some of mining area used a method of surface drainage hole. In order to improve gas drainage efficiency and ensure drilling from destruction of strata movement in mining process, we must optimize hole arrangement scheme. We analyzes overburden failure in mining process and deformation distribution of strata movement from mining subsidence, and puts forward optimal final hole regional and optimal path of gas drainage borehole. Measursd data of a certain mining area explain the rationality of optimization scheme in this paper.


