
    Study on pattern of gas emission at fully-mechanized coal face in Mabu coal mine

    • 摘要: 针对马堡煤矿8号煤层瓦斯赋存特点及8204综采工作面开采条件,实测得出综采工作面生产班平均瓦斯涌出量是检修班的1.5~1.6倍和月度瓦斯涌出不均衡系数1.40~1.55;同时研究发现工作面总瓦斯涌出量和采空区瓦斯涌出量随配风量的增加而增大,切眼处的瓦斯涌出量则保持相对稳定的特征。8号煤层具有煤层埋藏深度变化较大和二采区地质构造较多的特点,研究得出瓦斯含量梯度为0.023 m3/(t·m)和地质构造对瓦斯涌出影响较大的结论。在8号煤层采掘过程中应结合影响工作面瓦斯涌出的因素有针对性的治理瓦斯。


      Abstract: Aimed at the seam gas characteristics and mining condition of the 8204 fully-mechanized coal face in Mabu Coal Mine No.8 coalbed,measured results show that the average amount of gas emission at fully mechanized coal face production shift is 1.5 to 1.6 times the monthly maintenance classes and uneven gas emission coefficient is 1.40 to 1.55;at the same time,we found that face total amount of gas emission and goaf gas emission increases with the amount of air distribution and increases the amount of gas emission cut at the eye remained relatively stable characteristics. No.8 coal seam burial depth has changed greatly, and two more mining area tectonic features, research result of gas content gradient is 0.023 m3/t/m and tectonic gas emission has greater impact on the conclusions. No.8 coal mining face in the process should be combined with the impact of gas emission factors are targeted gas control.


