
    Treatment Project Evaluation for Bench Pinch-out in Nearly Horizontal Open-pit Mine

    • 摘要: 大型近水平露天煤矿采用工作线沿煤层倾向布置走向推进的全区横采开采程序,工作帮台阶水平划分,在靠近煤层顶板位置出现台阶尖灭现象。台阶尖灭会造成矿山爆破工程难度的增加、上部水平剥离物运距的增加以及电铲效率的下降。提出3种处理台阶尖灭的方案,选取7个指标建立评价体系,利用理想解法建立综合评价模型。以哈尔乌素露天煤矿台阶尖灭为例,建立评价模型。结果表明,“雁”形组合台阶开采方案最合理,为现场工程设计以及生产管理提供了决策依据。


      Abstract: The bench will pinch out near the coal seam roof when the bench of working slope is horizontally partitioned if large nearly horizontal open-pit coal mine use cross mining sequence. Bench pinch-out will cause an increase difficulty in mining blasting, an increase in distance for stripping and the decrease in the efficiency of shovel. The article proposed three solutions for the problem and selected seven indicators to establish evaluation index system with the ideal solution. Evaluation model was established dealing with the bench pinch-out in Harwusu Open-pit Mine. The result showed that "flying geese pattern"bench group was the most reasonable, which provided a decision-making basis for the site engineering design and production management.


