Dewatering Drainage Centralized Control System for Yimin Open-pit Mine
摘要: 从硬件设计和软件设计2个方面详细阐述伊敏露天矿新增疏干井的疏干排水集控系统建设;系统基于GPRS通信方式和组件模块化,保证了客户可以“永远在线”;系统能够准确直观的了解疏干井内水泵的运转情况,使监控方式更加灵活,提高了伊敏露天矿疏干排水能力。Abstract: The article describes sewer drainage centralized control system for the new dewatering wells in Yimin Open-pit from the aspects of hardware and software. Based on GPRS and modular components, the system ensures that the customer can "always online". The system can accurately and intuitively understand the functioning of the well dewatering pumps, mak monitoring more flexible, which improves the dewatering capacity in Yiminopen-pit mine.