
    Reasonable Working Resistance Determination of Hydraulic Support Based on Key Strata Theory

    • 摘要: 根据岩层控制理论,依据关键层的不同位置,提出了基于关键层理论确定支架合理工作阻力的方法,即依据关键层不同的破断形态将围岩类型划分为4种类型:易垮落顶板、可形成砌体梁结构中等硬度顶板、可形成悬臂梁的坚硬顶板、放顶煤,并分别提出各类型相应的支架阻力计算公式,该研究解释了目前国内流行的4~8倍采高容重法确定的工作阻力时高时低的原因,并对其在各类型中的适用性给出了研究,结论在煤矿的开采试验中得到了验证。


      Abstract: According to strata control theory and different positions of key strata, we propose determination method for reasonable working resistance of hydraulic support based on key strata theory. Surrounding types is divided into four types, the easy collapse roof, the medium hardness masonry roof beam structure, the cantilever hard roof, the caving coal, according to different breaking forms of key strata. The corresponding calculation formula for various types of hydraulic support was researched to explain the reason that current domestic popular bulk mining height 4 to 8 times method was low or high sometimes in working resistance determination. Its applicability in various types of research are given, and conclusion was proved successfully.


