
    Support Lectotype for 6 Upper Fully Mechanized Caving Face in Huangyuchuan Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 为解决黄玉川煤矿6煤综放面支架选型问题,实现千万吨矿井安全、高效、高产、高回收率的回采目标,通过理论分析、数值模拟、工程类比等方法,研究了工作面支架架型选择、支架合理工作阻力确定。研究结果表明,6煤综放面适宜采用四柱支撑掩护式低位放顶煤支架,支架合理工作阻力为21 000 kN。


      Abstract: In order to solve the lectotype problem of hydraulic supports for 6 upper fully mechanized caving face in Huangyuchuan Coal Mine and achieve the goal of safety, efficiency high yield and high recovery mine of 10 Mt, through theoretical analysis method, numerical simulation method and engineer analogy method, we researched the support lectotype and the reasonable support resistance of the supports. Results show that 6 upper seam fully mechanized caving face adopts four leg low caving chock shield properly, the reasonable support resistance is 21 000 kN.


