
    Development Tendency and Application of Coal Mine Liquid Nitrogen Fire Prevention Technology

    • 摘要: 液氮技术是预防和处理煤矿井下大型火灾事故的一项重要技术手段。采用Damkohler准则定性分析了煤矿液氮的防灭火机理,综述了国内外液氮防灭火工业试验的典型案例及液氮防灭火技术工艺,定量讨论了液氮灌注量、管路的压降、注液氮口位置与间距等液氮防灭火技术参数。指出煤矿液氮防灭火的发展趋势,要加强应用基础研究,突破关键技术及立足防灭火系统安全,实现矿井液氮防灭火系统的安全高效稳定运行。


      Abstract: Liquid nitrogen infusion technology is an important technical for preventing and dealing with large-scale coal mine fire accidents. Qualitative analysis of the coal fire prevention mechanism of liquid nitrogen was obtained by Damkohler standards. Typical cases of industrial fire prevention trials of liquid nitrogen infusion technology were described. Technical parameters of perfusion, pipeline pressure drop, and outlet location were quantitatively discussed. Development tendency of coal mine liquid nitrogen fire prevention was proposed in this article. Strengthening basic research, considering key technologies and paying more attention to anti-fire system security, more safety, efficient and stable fire prevention system of liquid nitrogen infusion will be guaranteed.


