
    Partition of Spontaneous Combustion Danger Zone in Goaf of Mechanized Caving Face Under Drainage Conditions of High Gas-drainage Roadway

    • 摘要: 基于高抽巷在有效解决高瓦斯综放工作面瓦斯易超限问题的同时,造成工作面采空区上覆煤岩破碎区与高抽巷之间形成漏风通道,引起采空区“三带”尤其是氧化升温带的迁移,使采空区自然发火变得更加严重的问题,通过现场实测分析选用氧气浓度作为主要指标、温度和CO浓度作为辅助指标,划分了高位抽放条件下采空区的“氧化升温带”的范围,确定了采空区自燃危险区域及预防采空区遗煤自燃的工作面极限推进速度。


      Abstract: Based on the problems that the high gas-drainage roadway resulted in air leakage channel between high gas-drainage roadway and overlying coal rock broken zone in working face goaf, when it effectively controlled gas overrun problem of high gas fully-mechanized caving mining face, which changed the "three zones" of goaf, especially the migration of oxidation heating zone, and made the goaf spontaneous combustion more serious. Through the site measurement and analysis, it took oxygen concentration as the main index and temperature and CO concentration as auxiliary index, then divided the range of "oxidation heating zone" in goaf under high drainage conditions, thus identified the spontaneous combustion danger area and the working face extreme forward speed to prevent residual coal spontaneous combustion in goaf.


