
    "Three Steps Drainage" Comprehensive Gas Control Technology in Soft Coal Floor Roadway

    • 摘要: 为了综合防治松软煤层煤与瓦斯突出和回采工作面瓦斯超限的问题,提出了底板巷穿层钻孔“三步抽”瓦斯综合防治技术,并在李沟矿21031工作面进行了现场应用。结果表明:“三步抽”技术包括穿层钻孔卸压抽采、卸压带捅孔抽放、采空区抽放3部分,该技术可以快速消除回采工作面的突出危险性,有效抽取上隅角和采空区的瓦斯,防止了工作面回采过程中的瓦斯超限事故,保障了工作面的安全回采。


      Abstract: In order to control gas outburst and gas overrun problems in soft coal seam, the "three steps drainage" comprehensive gas control technology is proposed and applied at 21031 working face of Ligou Mine. The results show that the technology, including borehole through strata pressure relief extraction, pressure relief belt poking hole drainage and goaf drainage three parts, can rapidly eliminate coal and gas outburst accident, effectively extract gas in goaf and upper corner, prevent the gas overrun accidents in mining process of working face and guarantee the safety mining of working face.


