
    A Hand-held Underground Personal Search and Rescue Device Based on GIS

    • 摘要: 针对目前煤炭行业矿下事故多发,事故现场情况复杂,有线通信中断时难以保证救援,救援设备移动不方便,定位不精确等情况,设计了一种基于GIS定位显示的手持式井下人员搜救仪, 搜救仪可将图像,定位,语音3种信息一同传到井上,在最短的时间内实现井上下的沟通,为营救工作争取时间。


      Abstract: Aiming at the coal industry present situation of many accidents, complex scene of accidents, difficult rescue due to interrupted communication, inconvenient rescue equipments and incorrect position, we designed a new underground personal research and rescue device based on GIS position display.This rescue device can send image, positioning and the voice three kinds of information together to the ground, so as to realize the communication within the shortest time and to strive for the time for rescue work.


