
    Repair and Support Technology for Strong Dynamic Pressure Mining Roadway in Dafosi Mine

    • 摘要: 为解决动压巷道维护的技术难题,针对陕西彬长大佛寺矿业有限公司41103工作面运输巷道受回采超前支撑压力及邻近采空区侧向压力挤压影响的特征,分析了巷道围岩变形失稳的原因,得出支护强度低和支护结构失稳是导致巷道变形破坏的主要因素,提出高强稳定型加固思想,确定了合理的支护参数。研究成果表明,采用高强度、急增阻预应力锚索+联锁梁对原有锚网支护承载结构的薄弱部位进行强化,能有效控制巷道变形。


      Abstract: To solve the dynamic pressure roadway maintenance technical problems, 41103 working face haulage roadway of Shaanxi Binchang Dafosi Mining Company was affected by advanced support pressure and lateral pressure extruding, we analyzed the reason of roadway surrounding rock deformation and instability, low support strength and supporting structural instability was the main factor leading to the destruction of roadway deformation; stable high-strength reinforcement idea was proposed to determine the reasonable support parameters. Research results shows that high strength, surge resistance of prestressed anchor cable with interlocking beam can effectively strengthen the weak parts of the original anchor net supporting bearing structure, and control the roadway deformation.


