
    Grouting Reinforcement for Broken Roof in Return Air Roadway With Large Inclination Mining Face

    • 摘要: 根据2130煤矿25221工作面煤巷及回采揭露情况,顶板岩层强度高,需要强制放顶,而靠近工作面上端回风巷部分由于存在三角形顶煤,煤体破碎严重而导致煤顶稳定条件差,回采过程部分液压支架上方煤体塌落造成支架倾倒问题严重。通过注浆加固技术对顶煤和煤柱进行了加固处理,有效控制了顶煤冒落,煤柱片帮,保证了工作面人员及设备的安全,实现了安全生产。


      Abstract: According to 25221 working face of coal roadway and mining uncovering situations in 2130 Coal Mine, due to the high strength of roof strata, it needs forced caving. This leads to the crush of triangle top coal which is close to the working face upper return air roadway, and the weak stability of top coal; the collapse of top coal leads to the tilt of hydraulic support. With the chemical grouting and reinforced technology for the coal and rock masses, the stability of the coal and rock mass was improved and the roof accidents due to the coal wall spalling was eliminated, which had ensured the successful mining operation of the coal mining face.


