
    Interaction Between Soft Rock and Water in Deep Lower Coal Seam Floor

    • 摘要: 为了探讨济北矿区深部下组煤底板岩石与水相互作用规律,以岱庄煤矿首采工作面底板2种不同岩性的岩样为研究对象,在纯净水浸泡条件下进行了为期57 d的电导率和质量损失率的连续测试。结果表明:岩样在纯净水中的电导率变化存在一定的规律,整体呈随时间延长而增长的趋势,且2种岩样变化规律相似;岩样电导率和质量损失率呈正相关关系。


      Abstract: In order to research the interaction between deep rock of lower coal seam floor and water in Jibei Mining Area, the two different types of rocks from Daizhuang Coal Mine are carried out continuously test between rock conductivity and its mass loss rate in condition of purified water for 57 days. The results show that the changes of conductivity of different rocks follow certain rule in purified water that tend to statistically increase with time going, and all rocks follow similar rule. There exists positive relevance between rock conductivity and its mass loss rate.


