
    A Flameproof Type Ni-MH Battery Power Control Box

    • 摘要: 设计一种防爆式镍氢电池电源控制箱,用于煤矿井下安全监控设备不间断备用电源。电源控制箱在供电正常的情况下,对镍氢电池进行充电;当供电发生故障断电时,瞬时即可自动切换为镍氢电源供电,保障了煤矿安全监控设备的24 h不间断运行。


      Abstract: In the article, a flame-proof type ni-mh battery power control box was designed for continuous standby power of coal mine safety monitoring equipments. Under normal circumstances, power control box charged ni-mh battery, and it could instantly and automatically switch to ni-nh power supply as power supply failure, which ensured coal mine safety monitoring equipment 24 h uninterrupted operation.


