
    Battery Equalization Management System for Mine Local Fan EPS

    • 摘要: 针对蓄电池单体性能差异性或经反复充放电后造成的差异性,给出了用电感、二极管、开关器件等构成串联蓄电池充放电的简单、高效的均衡电路,实现均衡充放电;分析了均衡电路的工作原理,利用单体电池的充放电电压和状态,通过DSP调节开关器件的PWM脉冲占空比实现动态电能的均衡,实验证明均衡效果明显。


      Abstract: Aiming at the performance differences of battery monomer or the differences after repeated charge and discharge, a simple and efficient equalization circuit including inductances,diodes and switching devices is designed for series connected batteries, and equalization repeated charge and discharge of battery is achieved. The article analyzes the principle of the equalization circuit, realizes the equalization of electric power by using the voltage and state which are input into DSP to generate PWM for controlling switching devices. The effect of experiment is obvious.


