
    Research on Fire Resistance with Water Sealing and Explosion Venting Mechanism in Gas Transportation Pipeline

    • 摘要: 为有效阻止瓦斯抽采管路中爆炸火焰向管路进口方向传播,保障地面和井下抽放泵站设备的安全,在瓦斯抽采管路上不同位置安装阻火泄爆装置。当爆炸火焰到达时,通过泄放爆炸能量和水路封锁,能阻断火焰传播。根据水封阻火泄爆机理及相关标准设计一种水位自控式水封阻火泄爆装置,并采用计算流体力学软件对其进行性能分析,证明了阻火泄爆机理的有效性及装置的可靠性。


      Abstract: In order to effectively prevent the explosion flame propagate to import direction in gas drainage pipelines and ensure drainage pumping station equipment safety of ground and underground, the fire resistance and explosion venting devices are installed at the different locations in gas drainage pipelines. When the explosion flame arrives, explosive energy is relieved through vent piece, and flame is blocked by water. Fire barrier with water sealing and explosion venting device is designed with seal self-control function. Performance of the device is analyzed by computational fluid dynamics software, and results show that the venting mechanism is efficient, and the device is reliable.


