
    Deformation and Failure Characteristic of Roadway in Deep Mine

    • 摘要: 针对某矿深部巷道片帮严重、冒顶频发等变形破坏严重、支护困难的具体情况,通过理论分析深部巷道周围的应力场分布状态,结合有限差分数值计算软件FLAC3D对深部巷道围岩变形破坏的发展过程进行了研究,通过对比不同原岩应力水平下圆形巷道塑性区的发展过程以及巷道围岩的形变特征,研究发现巷道埋深增加引起巷道围岩破坏的位置上移,多表现为顶部和靠近顶部的两帮围岩破坏,指出了受水平构造应力影响的深部巷道围岩破坏特征以及防止围岩大变形的措施。


      Abstract: Aiming at the severe deformation and failure of the specific circumstances such as frequent roof fall and seriously spalling in deep mine roadway, based on the results of the theoretical analysis of deep roadway stress field distribution around and numerical simulation through FLAC3D and filed data, this article studied the development process of deformation and failure of deep roadway, compared the process of the plastic zone of different original rock stress level, found that the location of the destruction of roadway move up with the depth increasing, pointed the failure characteristics of surrounding rock and measures to prevent the damage of surrounding rock affected by tectonic stress level of deep roadway.


