Exploration on the Supporting Technology of Fractured Surrounding Rock and Dynamic Pressure Roadway
摘要: 通过对福建煤电公司苏二煤矿八采区-110 m石门和五采区-105 m石门的支护加固实践,研究矿井转入深部开采后,地质条件复杂,地压明显增大,井巷又受采动影响的情况下的支护方式,为此类巷道的支护改革提供可靠的依据。Abstract: Through the support reinforcement practice at the eighth mining area-110 m crossdrift and at the fifth mining area-105 m crossdrift in Su'er coal mines of Fujian coal power company,the support pattern under the influence of roadway mining was studied when mine transferred to deep mining,and the geological conditions became complicated and geopressure increased obviously,which provided a reliable basis for support reform of this kind of roadways.