Gas Control Technology for Gassy Close Coal Seam Group Mining Face Under Complex Geological Conditions
摘要: 针对八连城矿井煤层瓦斯含量高、渗透率低复杂地质条件下近距离煤层群开采等特点,提出了立体交叉钻孔以及顶板高位钻孔抽采卸压瓦斯相结合的综合治理方案,构建了复杂地质条件下低渗透高瓦斯煤层群开采瓦斯治理技术体系,有效解决了复杂地质条件下低渗透高瓦斯煤层群开采的工作面瓦斯超限的难题。Abstract: For the mining characteristics of high gas, low permeability at close distance coal seam group under complex geological conditions in Baliancheng Mine, we proposed comprehensive control scheme of using vertical crossing drilling hole and roof high level borehole to extract gas, and formed gas control system for high gas, low permeability coal seam group mining under complex geological condition, which effectively solve the problem of gas overrun under complex geological condition.