
    Research on New Flexible Paste Borehole Sealing Material for Gas Drainage Drilling

    • 摘要: 为了提高瓦斯抽采钻孔的封孔效果,开发了新型柔性膏体封孔材料,测试分析了柔性膏体材料、PD材料、膨胀水泥3种封孔材料的黏度、膨胀性、渗透性能,结果表明柔性膏体在这3个参数上都优于PD材料和膨胀水泥。针对柔性膏体不凝固、渗透性能好的特点,开发了基于重力加载的持续性补浆封孔工艺。柔性膏体封孔材料和重力补浆封孔工艺应用于平煤十三矿,与传统封孔材料和封孔工艺相比,抽采孔平均瓦斯浓度从7.2%的提高到32%。


      Abstract: In order to improve the borehole sealing effect of the gas extraction drilling, a new flexible paste borehole sealing material was developed.The flexible paste materials, PD materials, expansive cement was tested with viscosity, expansion, permeability, the results showed that the flexible paste materials were superior to PD materials and expansive cement on the three parameters. Aiming at the characteristics that flexible paste had no solidification and good permeability, the continuous grouting borehole sealing process with the gravity loading was developed. Flexible paste materials and grouting borehole sealing technique by gravity was applied in No.13 Coal Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Industry. Compared with the traditional borehole sealing materials and sealing borehole process, the gas concentration of extraction borehole increased from 7.2% to 32% on average.


