
    Stability Evaluation of North Slope Under Complex Geologic Condition in Anjialing Open-pit Mine

    • 摘要: 由于安家岭矿是露天和井工协调开采开采模式,安家岭露天矿北帮边坡在井工二矿形成了井工采动与断层破碎带双重影响,对露天矿安全有序生产带来威胁,随着井工二矿29211工作面的推进,安家岭露天矿北帮出现变形,通过采用Morgenstern-price法对断层影响区域内边坡进行稳定性评价,当工作面推进至设计停采线时,边坡安全储备系数不足,存在地质灾害危险,结合边坡稳定雷达与GPS监测数据分析,调整井工二矿29211工作面原设计停采线位置,以保证露天矿安全开采。


      Abstract: Anjialing Open-pit Mine gradually formed a unique open-underground combined mining mode.The north slope of Anjialing Open-pit formed double effect of underground mining and fault fracture zone in 2# Mine, which took threat for open pit safe and orderly production. With the advancing of 29211 working face in 2# Mine, the north slope Anjialing Open-pit appears deformation, Morgenstern-price method is adopted for slope stability evaluation. When working face advance to design stop mining line, slope safety coefficient is insufficient, existing risk of geological disasters, in combination with the slope stability of radar and GPS monitoring data analysis, the 29211 working face in 2# Mine regulates the original design of stop line position, which ensures the safety in open pit mining.


