
    Damage Laws and Strength Characteristics of Slope Rock Under the Condition of Open-underground Combined Mining

    • 摘要: 岩体的变形实质上由岩块的弹性变形、岩块的塑性变形和节理裂隙的延展三者产生的变形之和。节理岩体的强度特性与节理裂隙的发育与延展密切相关。根据损伤力学与断裂力学理论,通过模拟岩体节理裂隙在不同开挖条件下的延展而引起损伤张量的变化,探讨岩体强度与损伤张量之间的关系以表征其岩体强度的时空变化与各向异性。


      Abstract: The deformation of rock mass includes the rock elastic deformation of rock block, plastic deformation and joint extension. Strength properties of jointed rock mass are closely associated with the development and extension of joints. This article, based on the damage mechanics and fracture mechanics theory, by simulating the expansion joints under different excavation conditions caused by changes of the damage tensor, explores the relationship between the rock mass strength and damage tensor to characterize the temporal and spatial variation of rock mass strength and anisotropy.


