
    Dynamic Behavior Mechanism and Control Techniques for Complicated Mining Condition of Extremely Thick Coal Seam

    • 摘要: 胡家河煤矿采用分层综放开采,“一面五巷”布置方式,采掘相互扰动显著。401102工作面泄水巷掘进期间,出现强烈动力显现问题,造成巷道及设备严重损坏。结合矿山压力基本理论分析其发生机理,认为动力显现的主要力源因素为侧向采空区悬顶导致的侧向支承压力。为削弱动力显现强度,提出针对侧向采空区悬顶的断顶爆破和煤帮大孔径卸压措施,并提出针对巷道外围支护、个体防护、安全管理、采掘接续等方面的建议。


      Abstract: The Hujiahe Coal Mine used fully mechanized sub level caving mining, mining and tunneling interact is significantly with " five lanes in one working face" arrangement. During tunneling period of drainage tunnel in 401102 face, strong dynamic disaster caused serious damage to the equipments. The article analyzed its mechanism combined with the mine pressure theory, the mainly power source factor of dynamic behavior is lateral abutment pressure caused by lateral hanging arch. In order to reduce the dynamic behavior strength, the breaking roof blasting and large aperture pressure relief measures for lateral gob hanging arch were introduced, and some suggestions for roadway support, individual protection, safety management and continuous mining were put forward too.


