
    Analysis of Residual Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Cross Uphill Mining Gob

    • 摘要: 通过对任楼煤矿Ⅱ1采区一采空区遗煤自燃案例的原因分析,阐述了跨上山回采对采空区自然发火的影响,得出结论:跨上山回采工作面不宜留设煤柱,如果必须留设煤柱应对煤柱进行预防自然发火特殊处理。工作面收作之后,应先构筑进风侧封闭墙,再构筑回风侧封闭墙,防止改变采空区内的风流走向。


      Abstract: Through the analysis of residual coal spontaneous combustion case in a gob of Renlou mine Ⅱ1 mining area,the influence of cross uphill mining on gob spontaneous combustion is elaborated.The results show that coal pillar should not be left at cross uphill mining working face.If must put coal pillars,the coal pillar should be special treated to prevent spontaneous combustion.After working face stopping work,building intake air side closed wall firstly,building return air side closed wall secondly,wind trend in gob can be prevent to change.


