
    The Mining Failure Characteristics and Control Measures of High-grade Highway

    • 摘要: 针对开采沉陷引起的高等级公路不同程度破坏的现状,分析了开采沉陷5个变形指标对高等级公路的影响,得出了高等级公路采动破坏特征。在此基础上,考虑到高等级公路采动变形发展的时空过程,根据不同开采时期的高等级采动破坏程度,提出了不同开采时期高等级公路治理措施和保护对策。


      Abstract: This article, for the high-grade highway subsidence caused by different degree of damage of the status, analyzes the influence of the subsidence deformation of five indicators of high-grade highway on mining failure characteristics of high-grade highway. On this basis, considering the time and space process of mining deformation of high-grade highway development, according to different production periods of high mining damage, the article puts forward the different mining period control measures and protection countermeasures for highway.


