
    Mechanical Analysis of Support Parameters Rationality in Large Mining Height Open-off Cut Coal Roadway

    • 摘要: 为了有效控制大断面复合顶板大采高开切眼围岩稳定,根据白龙煤矿2-1101大采高综采工作面开切眼的特点提出了支护结构及参数。为验证支护参数的合理性,分别建立了煤巷稳定性分析模型,提出巷帮稳定状态准则。对于巷道两帮失稳状态准则为锚固体内锚杆的应变量不能超过其极限应变量。对于巷道顶板失稳的一种形式是剪切面上的下滑阻力F不足以克服下滑的剪力V,出现剪切破坏;另一种形式为顶板岩石发生压缩破坏。根据开切眼两帮和顶板稳定性的力学计算分析模型,研究结果表明白龙煤矿大采高开切眼的顶板和两帮均处于稳定状态。


      Abstract: In order to effectively control rock stability of large section complex roof open-off cut, according to the characteristics of Bailong Mine 2-1101 large mining height fully mechanized mining face open-off cut, the supporting structure and the parameters are proposed, to verify the reasonableness of the support parameters, coal roadway stability analysis model was established, and stabilize state criterion of laneway's side is proposed. For roadway two-side instability state criterion as the strain of anchor bolt body should not exceed the its limit strain. A form of instability for the tunnel roof falling resistance F in shear plane is insufficient to overcome the decline of shear V, and occurs shear failure. Another form of compression damage occurred to the roof rock. According to mechanics calculation and analysis model based on open-off cut two-side and roof stability, the results show that the Bailong Mine large mining height open-off cut roof and the two-side are in a stable state.


