
    Gas Control Technology for the First Mining Face in Short Distance Protected Seam

    • 摘要: 大隆矿S11201工作面为二水平保护层首采工作面,工作面距被保护层13#煤层平均距离11.17 m,通过对工作面瓦斯来源分析,采用合理配风及分源立体抽采治理的瓦斯治理技术,工作面配风量1 000 m3/min,瓦斯抽采量33.2 m3/min,瓦斯抽采率86.7%,通过对瓦斯治理效果进行分析,对存在的问题提出相应的整改方案,保证了工作面安全生产。


      Abstract: The S11201 working face is the first mining face of the second mining level in Dalong Coal Mine. The distance from S11201 to its protected coal seam, No.13 coal seam, is 11.17 m on average. Through analyzing the sources of gas emission, and adopting reasonable ventilation, and source-division three-dimensional extraction gas control technology, during the mining period of the S11201 working face, the returned air is 1 000 m3/min, gas extraction quantity is 33.2 m3/min, and gas drainage rate goes up to 86.7%. This article also analyzes the problems existing during the gas control and treatment process, and puts forward the corresponding improvement schemes, which guarantees the safety production of working face.


