
    The Application of Retaining Laneway Along With Stopping Mining Line Technology in Zhangcun Mine

    • 摘要: 章村矿4226采区下部区域受断层影响,工作面回采巷道布置时,为避免巷道重复过断层增加开掘工程量和施工难度,同时为工作面正常接替赢得主动,提出在2612工作面开采结束时,沿工作面停采线位置进行留巷,即工作面停采扩帮时,采取锚杆锚索支护方式,支架回撤期间采取单体配合铰接顶梁支护方式把支架空间留下来,留巷整修期间采取顺硐抬棚、喷浆等方式,实现了工作面的停采留巷。


      Abstract: Lower region of 4226 mining area was influenced by faults in Zhangcun Coal Mine, in the time of layout roadway working face, in order to avoid repeated roadway digging across fault to increase engineering quantity and the construction difficulty, at the same time, to win initiative for the working face normal replace, the article proposes retaining the tunnel along with the stopping mining line of working face in the mining of 2612 working face, that is expansion side of the working face as stopping mining, taking the anchor and anchor-rope support, and taking the monomer to cooperate with beam of roof to support the peak during the hydraulic bracket retreat, adopting shed along the laneway and concrete to support peak during renovation of retaining laneway along with stopping line, which realizes retaining laneway along with stopping mining line technology of working face.


