
    Paste-like Mechanized Filling Gob-side Entry Retaining Technology in Shallow Seam

    • 摘要: 以山西某矿12305浅埋工作面地质条件为背景,基于巷旁充填体工作阻力理论,设计了充填巷道支护参数、充填系统及工艺流程,提出了经济技术合理的沿空留巷似膏体机械化巷旁充填技术,为节约成本选用地方来源广泛的水泥、粉煤灰、砂石骨料、复合外加剂等作为充填材料。12305浅埋工作面试验结果表明采用该技术后,巷道顶底板及两帮变形速度极小,在工作面后方约200 m范围,变形速度为1~2 mm/d,证明了该充填沿空留巷技术获得了较好的效果,有效缓解了矿井采场接替困难的压力,保证了安全生产。


      Abstract: Taking geological conditions of 12305 working face in a mine of Shanxi province as background, and based on theoretical calculation of working resistance of filling body, the article designs support parameters, filling system and process of roadway, and puts forward paste-like mechanized filling gob-side entry retaining technology economically and reasonably. In order to save the cost, the production chooses the local sources of cement, fly ash, sand, gravel aggregate and compound admixture as filling material. The result of test in 12305 working face shows that the roadway surrounding rock deformation rate decreased obviously, and the deformation velocity is 1 to 2 mm/d in 200 meters behind the working face. The result proves that the filling gob-side entry retaining technology obtains good effect, which effectively alleviate the pressure to mine stope, ensures the safety in production.


