
    Oxidation Utilization Technology of VAM in Dafosi Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 系统阐述了煤矿通风瓦斯氧化基本原理,利用该原理对现场装置进行了分析和性能测试。研究表明,通风瓦斯氧化装置单台处理风量大(6万m3/h),其氧化效率随着瓦斯浓度的增加而升高,装置对风量及瓦斯浓度波动适应性强,当蒸汽压力不变时,过热蒸汽产量和温度随进气瓦斯浓度的升高而显著提高。


      Abstract: This article elaborates the theory of VAM oxidation which is used to analyze and test the field device. It is shown that the volume of VAM (60 000 m3/h) which is oxidized is large; oxidation efficiency increases with the increasing of VAM concentration; the device shows well at the fluctuation of air volume and VAM concentration; the overheating vapor production and temperature is improved with the increasing of inlet VAM concentration, when the vapor pressure keeps stable.


