
    "Fracturing-sealing" Integration Technique in High Gas Content and Low Permeability Soft Seams

    • 摘要: 为提高单一高瓦斯低透气性松软煤层的瓦斯抽采能力,开发了一种利用静态破碎技术来压裂煤体、“强弱强”带压密封技术密封钻孔的“压封”一体化方法,并在常村矿2101采区进行了应用。结果表明:钻孔平均瓦斯抽采浓度由措施前的29.5%增加到措施后的62.5%,,掘进速度由措施前的56 m/月提高到了措施后的104 m/月,百米钻孔瓦斯涌出量和煤层透气性系数也分别提高近1倍。


      Abstract: To improve gas extraction efficiency in high gas content and low permeability soft seams, "fracturing-sealing"integration method is developed to fracture coal mass and improve seam permeability by using static blasting, "strong-weak-strong" borehole pressurized sealing technique, and then it was carried on engineering experiment in 2101 Mining Area of Changcun Coal Mine. The result shows that the average of drilling gas extraction efficiency increases from 29.5% to 62.5%, tunneling speed adds from 56 m/mon to 104 m/mon, both hectometer-borehole gas emission quantity and permeability coefficent in coal seam improve nearly double.


