
    Shallow Bore Closure Gas Drainage Technology for High-gas and Fully Mechanized Tunneling Coal Roadway

    • 摘要: 为了解决高瓦斯综掘煤巷瓦斯超限问题,提出了高瓦斯综掘煤巷浅孔截流瓦斯抽采技术;分析了综掘煤巷瓦斯涌出规律,提出了通过掘进工作面超前浅孔抽采瓦斯降低落煤瓦斯涌出量和巷帮浅孔抽采瓦斯构筑瓦斯截流“钻墙”降低巷帮瓦斯涌出量的综合技术,并分析了其机理;采用现场实验与理论计算结合的方法,确定了红岭煤矿15181综掘运输巷掘进工作面超前浅孔与巷帮浅孔抽采技术参数;研究结果表明,该技术能够很好的解决高瓦斯综掘煤巷瓦斯超限问题,同时克服了原有长钻孔抽放措施施工困难的缺点,显著提高了高瓦斯综掘运输巷掘进速度。


      Abstract: The article put forward the gas drainage technology of shallow bore closure to resolve the problem of gas overrun in high-gas and fully mechanized tunneling coal roadway,and analyzed the emission law of high gas and fully mechanized tunneling coal roadway,put forward the comprehensive measures of reducing the emission gas from falling coal by shallow bore at heading face and from both sides of coal roadway by shallow bore on both sides of coal roadway,and analyzed the mechanism.By using the combined method of field experiment and theoretical arithmetic,the article determined the drainage parameters of shallow bore at heading face and both sides of coal roadway of 15181 working face.The finding shows that the technology could resolve the the problem of gas overrun at high gas and fully mechanized tunneling coal roadway well,overcome the defect of original method and improve the tunneling speed significantly.


