
    Thermo Gravimetry Experiment Study on Relationship Between Oxygen Concentration and Characteristics of Coal Oxidation

    • 摘要: 通过对朔州兴陶矿和长治常村矿2个煤样的热重实验,分别得到了2煤样升温速率为10 K/min,氧浓度为5%、10%、15%、17%、21%、30%下的特征温度点,发现了煤样着火点随着氧浓度的增加逐渐降低。利用Coats-Redfen积分公式计算着火点温度至燃烧结束温度区段的活化能,结果表明:氧浓度增大,活化能呈增大趋势,兴陶矿煤样的活化能比常村矿煤样的活化能小,其更易发生自燃。同一煤样的TG曲线随着氧浓度的增加向左侧漂移,说明在一定范围内氧浓度的增加缩短了反应时间,煤样更易自燃。


      Abstract: This article had carried on thermo gravimetry experiments on coal samples from Shuozhou Xingtao Coal Mine and Changzhi Changcun Coal Mine, and obtained the characteristic temperature points at the oxygen concentration of 5%, 10%, 15%, 17%, 21% and 30% when the heating rate was 10 K/min, respectively. The coal ignition decreased as oxygen concentration increased. Coats-Redfen integral formula is used to calculate the activation energy of the zone which was from ignition temperature to combustion end temperature. It revealed the activation energy increased with oxygen concentration increasing. And the activation energy of Xingtao Coal Mine was less than the one of Changcun Coal Mine, and spontaneous combustion of Xingtao Coal Mine occurred more easily. For the same coal sample, TG curve drifted to the left with the increase of oxygen concentration. It indicated that the increase of the oxygen concentration shorted the reaction time within a certain range, the coal sample was more likely to be burning.


