
    Analysis and Prevention of Safety Helmets Accidents Based on Behavioral Safety

    • 摘要: 由于安全帽事故是零打碎敲的小事故,不容易引起人们的关注,煤矿企业对此存在麻痹松懈意识,因安全帽的质量问题及使用不当造成的事故时有发生,因此有必要对安全帽事故发生的原因进行系统分析并提出预防措施。基于行为安全模型,对35起安全帽事故原因进行分析,得到事故发生的直接和深层次原因。分析结果表明:对安全创造经济效益理解不够,安全投入的认识不足,领导层对安全培训作用认识不足,安全帽管理制度不健全并且在制度执行过程中存在问题等是安全帽事故发生的根源原因。在此基础上提出预防煤矿安全帽事故的3方面措施:加强安全文化建设;健全并有效执行安全管理制度;通过培训等手段纠正员工的不安全行为习惯。


      Abstract: Due to safety helmets accident is piecemeal small accident, it is not easy for people to focus on. Coal mine enterprises lack vigilance about it, so accidents often occur because of the quality problems and misuse. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the causes of safety helmets accidents systematically and propose prevention measures. Based on behavior safety model, through the analysis of 35 safety helmets accidents, it obtains the direct causes and the deep causes about the accidents. The analysis results show that the wrong organizational behaviors are the root cause of the accidents, for instance, the lack understanding about safety creates economic benefits, the lack awareness of safety investment and leadership role on safety training, the imperfection of management system and problems during execution. The prevention measures are proposed according to the results including strengthening the safety culture construction, completing and effectively implementing the safety management system, correcting the unsafe habits of employees by training and other methods.


