
    Support Parameters Design of Mining Roadway Under the Close Distance Gobs

    • 摘要: 近距离采空区下回采巷道在掘进过程中变形严重。针对这一问题,以陕西某矿为例进行了巷道围岩力学特性、围岩松动范围等研究,结果表明,近距离采空区下回采巷道围岩松动圈发生了变异,达到IV-V类围岩。考虑到现场情况无法采用高密度锚杆支护,采用悬吊理论确定了支护参数,结合现场实际情况对计算出的参数做了适当调整。现场矿压观测表明支护方案能有效地保障安全生产。


      Abstract: The mining roadway deforms severely in tunneling process under the close distance gobs. To solve this problem, the article researched mechanical properties and loose range of roadway surrounding rock by taking a coal mine in shaanxi as an example. Researches show that the loose circle of mining roadway surrounding rock occurs variation under close distance gobs and forms IV-V class. Considering that the high density bolts supporting can't be used, the article determines supporting parameters by suspension theory, and adjusts calculating parameters combined with actual situations. Mine pressure test in scene shows that the supporting plan can guarantee safe production effectively.


