
    Supporting Technology of Uncovering Coal in Deep Developing Roadway

    • 摘要: 深部开拓巷道在揭、过煤层施工中,传统的被动支护如架棚等不仅支护费用高,施工速度慢且支护效果往往并不理想。陈四楼煤矿2517胶带运输巷(岩巷段)揭煤施工中,采用管缝式锚杆作超前支护,锚网索喷作永久支护,有效的防止了煤岩的冒落,实现了深部巷道安全快速的揭露煤层。


      Abstract: In the construction of uncovering and passing coal seam in developing roadway, the traditional passive supporting such as shed shoring supporting is not only high in price and slow in construction speed, but also has unsatisfactory supporting effect. In the uncovering coal construction of 2517 belt haulage roadway (rock roadway section) in Chensilou Coal Mine. Slotted tube bolt is adopted as advanced supporting, the bolting and shotcreting are adopted as permanent supporting, which prevents the caving of coal and rock and achieves safely and fast uncovering coal in deep roadway.


