
    Water Characteristics and Treatment Methods of Liulin Coal Bed Methane Drainage

    • 摘要: 为了避免煤层气开采过程中产生的废水污染矿区周边环境,同时减少水资源的浪费,以柳林区块煤层气开采过程中所产生的废水为例,对其15个煤层气排水采样点中所产生的废水进行了水质分析,其各项水质指标中,全盐量和硒浓度高于《农田灌溉水质标准》中对于旱作物的要求。并提出了采用“预处理+反渗透”组合工艺对其产生的废水进行处理。结果表明:经“预处理+反渗透系统”处理后的煤层气排水,出水水质能够满足《农田灌溉水质标准》中对于旱作物的要求,可用于农田灌溉用水,实现了水资源的循环利用。


      Abstract: In order to save the water resource and avoid the pollution of the large amount of coalbed methane water, the quality of the water was analyzed based on 15 drainage samples taken from Liulin Mining Area. The combined process of "pretreatment+ reverse osmosis" was designed to treat the coal bed methane drainage. The results show that the properties parameters of the water such as TDS and Se are in breach of Standards for standard for Irrigation Water Quality in China for dry crops, and after the treatment, the quality of coal bed methane drainage treated by the combined process can meet the irrigation limit for dry crops. Thus the effluent can be used for irrigation, and the recycling of water resource was achieved.


