
    Status Summarization and Progress of Heat Hazard Control Technology in Coal Mine of China

    • 摘要: 基于对我国矿井降温系统发展的回顾和当前煤矿热害治理中存在问题的分析,指出应进一步完善矿井热湿环境评价指标体系,认为确立适合各矿实际的降温系统方案,研发矿用降温系列设备和产品是矿井热害治理的关键;提出为实现矿井降温系统的低碳与高效运行,采用集中制冷与局部降温相结合的降温方式是治理矿井热害的有效途径,而矿用隔热防水材料和矿用降温服的研制也是治理矿井热害的有效措施。指出矿业工作者与制冷空调行业技术人员和企业进行技术合作和设备研发是治理矿井热害的迫切需求,同时需要国家进行相关政策与资金的扶持。


      Abstract: Based on the retrospect of the mine cooling system and analysis of thermal hazard control in high temperature coal mine in the current. Considering that the evaluation indictor system of the thermal and humidity environment in the coal mine should be further improved, the article points out that the key of the heat hazard control is determine the cooling system which is adapt to the actual of the mine, and research and develop refrigerating serial facilities for the mine, and holds that the effective way to achieve the low carbon and effective operation mode is combining the central refrigeration and local refrigeration together; the effective measure is to research and develop the insulation and waterproof material and cooling clothes for miners. At last, the article emphasizes that the mine researchers and air conditioning technical staff should strengthen the technical cooperation and equipment research and it is also the urgent needs of the heat hazard control, and it also needs the national policy and funding support.


