
    Geological Features of Panyi Coal Mine Based on Gas Occurrence Geological Tectonic Gradual Control Theory

    • 摘要: 煤矿瓦斯赋存构造逐级控制理论认为,地质构造影响着瓦斯分布特征及其赋存状态,而且是由大到小的逐级控制,即区域地质构造受控于板块构造,矿区和矿井受控于区域构造,采掘工作面受控于矿区和矿井构造。以淮南煤田潘一矿为例,从地质的角度分析认为区域地质构造控制着淮南煤田的构造展布,煤田的构造特征进而控制着潘一井田构造特征及大断层F4和F5的分布,F4和F5大断层最终控制着整个矿井的小断层和实际揭露采掘工作面断层的展布。


      Abstract: According to the coal gas occurrence geological tectonic gradual control theory, the gas distribution characteristics and occurrence state affected by geological structure are controlled gradually from large to small. Regional geological structure is controlled by plate tectonics, mining areas and mines controlled by regional geological structure, mining working face controlled by mining areas and mines geological structure. Taking Huainan Panyi Coal Mine as an example, based on the geological analysis, regional geological structure controls the Huainan coalfield structure distribution, and then the structural characteristics of coal field control F4 and F5 faults distribution in Panyi Coal Mine, F4 and F5 fault control faults distribution of the whole mine faults and practical mining working faces.


