
    Fire Prevention and Control Technology at Fully Mechanized Caving Face With Inflammable Thick Seam During Terminal Mining and Withdrawal Period

    • 摘要: 针对综放工作面末采和回撤期间采空区遗煤多、漏风量大、周期长,工作面自然发火危险性大,严重威胁工作面的安全生产,在对综放工作面自然发火特点进行分析的基础上,确定了2103工作面末采和回撤期间的自然发火危险区域,形成了包括自然发火预测预报技术、均压防灭火技术、注氮防灭火技术的工作面末采和回撤期间的自然发火防治技术,结合自然发火应急保障技术的应用,有效防止了工作面末采和回撤期间的自然发火事故的发生。


      Abstract: According to the actual situation of more residual coal, large amount of air leakage, long cycle, high risk of spontaneous combustion in goaf of fully mechanized caving face during terminal mining and withdrawal period which threats the safety production of face seriously. Based on the analysis of characteristics of spontaneous combustion at fully mechanized caving face, the spontaneous combustion danger zones of 2103 working face were determined and spontaneous combustion control technology including spontaneous combustion prediction technology, fire proof technology by equalizing pressure and nitrogen injection against fire was formed. Combined with the application of spontaneous emergency support technology, the occurrence of spontaneous combustion accidents was prevented effectively during terminal mining and withdrawal period.


