
    Floor Heave Mechanism and Control of South Waiting Chamber in Auxiliary Shaft of Zhujixi Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 为了控制深井软岩巷道中底臌发生,针对朱集西矿副井南等候硐室发生的严重底臌现象,分析其发生机理,得出软岩的物理、水理力学性质、地质环境及巷道底板支护强度等是巷道发生底臌的主要原因。提出采用先浅注浆后深锚注的修补施工方案,后期监测巷道底板60 d左右底帮收敛速率明显变缓,90 d左右底板压力趋于稳定,结果表明该工艺能够有效控制深井软岩巷道的底鼓发生。


      Abstract: For controlling the floor heave in deep soft rock roadway, the paper analyzes the serious floor heave mechanism of the waiting chamber in Zhujixi Coal Mine, the physical and water management mechanical properties of soft rock and the roadway floor supporting strength are the main factors of floor heave. So, the design adopts shallow grouting the first step, and then adopts bolt-grouting reinforcement. The deformation of mine became slow after 60 days monitoring, and the pressure of floor became stable. So, the results indicate that this process could control the occurrence of floor heave in soft rock surrounding roadway.


