
    Experimental Study on the Influence of "Three Pressure" on Gas Emission in Working Face Gob

    • 摘要: 采用试验模拟研究方法对大气压力、抽放负压以及通风负压3种影响因素对采空区瓦斯涌出的耦合作用机制进行了深入研究,探讨了“三个压力”影响下采空区瓦斯赋存及涌出瞬时影响特点及其规律。结果表明:采空区瓦斯涌出浓度对比地面大气压变化有一定的滞后效应,滞后时间平均为1 h左右,工作面通风量从990 m3/min上升到1 071 m3/min时,瓦斯涌出浓度较初值上升4%,随后下降至初值以下。


      Abstract: Experimental simulation method is used to research the coupling mechanism of influence factors such as atmospheric pressure, negative pressure of suction and ventilation negative pressure on gas emission in gob. The study discusses gas occurrence and emission instantaneous impact characteristics and laws under the influence of "three pressure". The test results show that gas emission concentration have a certain lag effect in contrast to large ground pressure, the average lag time is about 1 h, the ventilation rate working face increased from 990 to 1 071 m3/min, gas emission concentration increased by 4% compared with the initial, then declined to the initial value below.


